The other actor trailer will be released by the vijay twitter handle account for the first time. Around 11.17 am, yesterday's morning will be trending on social media. Additionally, it will reach 5 million views and 174 thousand likes.
The trailer for the Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone movie will be released on January 25, 2023, in the languages of Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu, with actor Vijay wishing them well.
Shah Rukh Khan released the beast trailer last time, and this time actor Vijay will release the Pathaan trailer in Tamil. Additionally, good news for Vijay fans is that the next Shah Rukh Khan movie, Jawan, will be directed by Atlee. Only then will Vijay fans eagerly await the Jawan movie for a cameo role similar to vikram Rolex's character.
Wishing @iamsrk sir and the team all the best for #Pathaan
— Vijay (@actorvijay) January 10, 2023
Here is the trailer
After the completion of the loki film for Thalapathy 67, Sun Pictures will make Thalapathy 68. Thalapathy fans will be quite confused as to whether or not this film would be shown within LCU. After the release of the movie Varisu, Loki promised to hold a press conference where he would provide an update on Thalapathy 67.
Thanks for reading.....